Friday, July 16, 2010

Comment Summary of Potential Aesthetic Elements for SE Pioneer Way

On June 23, 2010, the City of Oak Harbor held a design workshop to present potential corridor aesthetic improvements along SE Pioneer Way. This workshop served as an opportunity for the Oak Harbor community to provide feedback on proposed aesthetic elements under consideration for the corridor. Meeting attendees were asked to comment on preliminary design plans and on different aesthetic features including benches, sidewalk surface patterns, tree locations, planters and street light accessories.

The workshop was organized as a participatory event, intended to be an informative session for both the community and the City. A total of 27 community members attended the design workshop. The workshop began with a presentation to provide an update on the project, design plans and the aesthetic improvements under consideration. Following the presentation, the City welcomed questions from the public. Once all questions had been addressed, the community was invited to view the displays set up around the room and provide feedback on the aesthetic options under consideration. They were asked to write down their thoughts on Post-it notes and attach them directly to the relevant display. Members of the project team were available throughout the design workshop to answer questions about the aesthetic options for the corridor.

This report includes a summary of all comments received through both the workshop and subsequent week-long comment period.

Questions recorded during the Q and A session

Below is the list of questions and comments from the design workshop attendees. The City’s response to each question/comment is also included.

1. Question: Will storm drains be installed on only one side of the new SE Pioneer Way?
Response: Yes, due to natural water flow in the corridor.

2. Question: How long will it take to dig a new sewer system along the corridor? How long will the new system be designed to last?
Response: We expect installation of a new sewer system to occur simultaneously while any given segment of the project is being constructed. The entirety of project construction is expected to last approximately eight to nine months. Once installed, sewer pipes are not replaced frequently. Typical, new sewer systems are designed to last over 50 years.

3. Question: Will the new line be “slip-lined”? How much of the existing line will be replaced?
Response: About 500 feet of sewer line will be new and approximately 1,500 will be slip-lined.

4. Question: Is there a way to install police cameras or at least install the cable for future police cameras on street lights as part of this project? Why not put the lines in now?
Response: City would be happy to talk about this request one-on-one.

5. Question: Have costs been associated with each of the options shown tonight?
Response: Cost is not a factor for any of the options under consideration; in fact, most aspects of the project being shown are “cost neutral.” Community members are to provide comment based on personal preference and do not need to take cost into account.

6. Question: Is there a time that the trees will need to be replaced?
Response: It is not anticipated that the trees will require additional maintenance beyond minimized seasonal trimming and/or leaf removal.

7. Question: Is the tree species compatible with the region’s climate? Are the trees disease resistant? Where are they originally from?
Response: Yes, the selected street tree will grow well in this climate and is disease-resistant. We will have to get back to you on the tree’s native origin.

8. Question: What is the height of the trees compared to the height of light poles?
Response: The trees will not grow to overwhelming heights. They will be similar in height to the street poles.

9. Question: How high would the trees grow?
Response: When fully mature, the trees may grow up to 45 feet in height.

10. Comment: Roots grow a long way. All underground infrastructure will be vulnerable to the tree roots.
Response: Comment has been noted, relative to tree placement.

11. Question: Can trees be planted in large pots and then moved around when needed?
Response: Yes, this is an option, but the selected tree may not be used if the City went with potted trees and the trees would not grow as large. Also, trees in pots are generally quite heavy, and a crane would be needed to move the size of pot required for trees.

12. Question: Is the project projected to start in January 2011? Can the design process be wrapped up earlier so that construction can begin before January 2011?
Response: Design is not expected to be complete until December 2010. The City plans for the project to go to bid in January 2011 and for construction to start in February. Construction is assumed to last eight to nine months.

13. Question: Has this project been discussed with Frontier and Verizon? Are all utility providers informed about this project?
Response: Yes, all utility and service providers have been involved in preliminary discussions. The City will coordinate with these providers as design progresses.

14. Question: After construction and the utilities have been moved, what will be done with the old poles?
Response: Utility poles located on SE Pioneer Way will be removed once utilities have been placed underground. Poles located off the corridor may remain once construction is complete.

15. Question: Is there any underlying theme for all aesthetic treatments shown here?
Response: No. There could be a theme that comes out of the input provided, but it isn’t necessary.

Community Comments
Below is a summary of the comments submitted, organized by aesthetic feature. Comments were gathered at the design workshop and were also accepted via email/mail between June 24 and July 1, 2010.

Paving and Landscape Plan along SE Pioneer Way
A total of 5 comments were made about the Paving and Landscape Plan. Comments did not strongly support or oppose the proposed plan. While not reflected as submitted written comments, a number of design workshop attendees had questions and concerns regarding tree shape, growth and height and the potential of trees to block storefronts. The written comments that were submitted requested a bike lane on Pioneer Way, painted parking lines on the side streets and an improved drainage system. Verbatim comments are included below:

Selected Street Tree, Tree Furnishings and Street Light
A total of 17 comments were submitted in reference to the selected street tree. The comments received did not specifically give preference for or against the selected tree. Most comments were related to the number of trees in the corridor, and fell into one of three categories: generally in favor of having trees on the corridor, generally in favor of having some trees on the corridor and generally concerned about having planted trees on the corridor. Most commenters supported at least “some trees” to be planted on SE Pioneer Way. Verbatim comments are included below:

No comments were submitted on the selected street light. A comment received about the selected tree furnishings requested the City maintain a traditional look. Another comment expressed dislike for the selected tree furnishing because of the caged and “prison-like” appearance. The verbatim comment is included below:

Potential Street Light Accessories
A total of 17 comments were submitted in reference to the potential street light accessories. By and large, the comments were in support of the selected street light pole option that could accommodate either hanging baskets or banners. A few comments gave specific preference to hanging baskets over banners, but the vast majority of comments received encouraged the City to select a light pole option that would allow for either flower baskets or banners. The community liked the idea of having either option and changing from baskets to banners depending on the season. Verbatim comments are included below:

Potential Sidewalk Pattern on Street Corners
A total of 19 comments were submitted about the potential sidewalk pattern for street corners. Many comments were neutral in preference of sidewalk pattern and several did not like either option. In general, the comments received did not like the modern feel of the Mondrian Option (Option B) and the Dutch-Plaid Option (Option A) was described as “too busy.” Verbatim comments are included below:

Potential Bench and Litter Receptacles
A total of 17 comments were submitted in reference to the potential bench and litter receptacles. Most of the comments submitted preferred Option B over Option A and Option C because of the more “classic” style. Verbatim comments are included below:

Potential Landscape Planters
A total of 14 comments were submitted in reference to the potential landscape planters. Most of the comments submitted preferred Option A over Option B. A few comments submitted did not like either option. Verbatim comments are included below:

General Project Comments
A few general comments were submitted that did not relate specifically to any potential aesthetic faeture. Of these comments, one was in reference to the last bullet listed under project benefits that states “increased business potential”. The comment said “hopefully ‘potential’ will be removed soon”. Another comment was submitted in reference to the project schedule. This comment was in favor of moving forward with the project and starting the work as soon as possible. Verbatim comments are included below:

Next Step
Comments that were received at the design workshop and via email, phone and/or mail in the week following the workshop will be considered in the future design plans for the SE Pioneer Way Improvements Project. The City of Oak Harbor will have more information about project design and planned corridor aesthetics in August 2010.

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